A Touch Amid Dark..
Hark you all: those footsteps forging,
in the dark corridors , I hear,,
Advancing tiptoed with swagger,
and the sound came near and near.....
Perplexed, or something eerie,
I grope in wonder..
No vision in Light, I zapped in Dark,
while my Spirits went asunder,,
I sensed,,,the Touch of hands,
warm ,Weak and Feeble,,,
The Same Hands, that holded once,
My fingers, small, and Nimble..
Touching my forehead, down to eyes,
caressing deep to the heart,,
The same old touch,
caring , healing, soothing, as if
with myriad colours of art.
A kiss of life , on Forehead,
blew my pains away,,
For I felt , a new lease of life,
in the touch , with sway..
THE FOOTSTEPS Went Back,tiptoed,
leaving me Alone, Again,
" Please don't leave me"--i I feared
being alone,
and I wailed in Pain,,
She went away, My pleas-----
were unheard, uncared..
I couldn't see her today,
though, I sensed her, toched her,
and yes,I feared..
It was The Holy soul that came,
I didn';t know then ever..
She is IN me now, buried deep
in the empty corners
of heart ,, forever..
Today , She Sits, Speaks with me,,
when I am Alone,,
I feel her,,her pathos,,I hear(feel) her moan,,
though I am not alone..
Indrajit Ghosal
I don't miss you,,,, Granny..

3 Sonatas:

    May this " touch in dark "take this loner to some light of earthly pleasure..man ur gonig unbound out of the life...GOOD POEM..ur masterpiece is be yet to come ..yeh ..i ll wait for it...


    dude this is an awesome piece ...emotional ...i felt it while reading it ...try n publish these poems somehow... these are too classy for a blog.. :)



    just wen i think you cant better your last you smack me with something unreal....

    excellent kudos man....


    will alway remain ure biggest fan...


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