Tuesday, February 5, 2008 by Indrajit

where Merrily Bloom the Roses.
In a place of all places,
where merrily blooms the roses,
far from mortal thorns,
in warmth of silvery dews,
sprinkled in cosy petals.
every petal pearlish pink,
in scarlets some are born,
honeyed with the reddish sun,
roses laced with petals adorn.
then the fragrance sprightly blows,
breeze bows to it's beautious glow,
in times of showers and snows
drench the roses , in colors overflow.
Indrajit ghosal
this is MY 50TH POST..
In a place of all places,
where merrily blooms the roses,
far from mortal thorns,
in warmth of silvery dews,
sprinkled in cosy petals.
every petal pearlish pink,
in scarlets some are born,
honeyed with the reddish sun,
roses laced with petals adorn.
then the fragrance sprightly blows,
breeze bows to it's beautious glow,
in times of showers and snows
drench the roses , in colors overflow.
Indrajit ghosal
this is MY 50TH POST..
Congratulations on your 50th post...
it is a wonderful poem :)
Cheerz to many more posts from you!!!
Hats Off to you for your half century..i hope u too will merrily bloom in the coming future with more prolific poems..!
I loveeeeeeed this poem
The words u hv used are so enticing
...an hindi myth says 2 deityes have it out with them for the most beautiful flowers:the roses --VISNU--or the lothus--BRAHMA.CHLORIS[greek,deity]says the roseS are the most beautiful!But YOU've got them : colour ,odour,perfume,brilliancy,merriment and grace.I can see and feel....Beautiful poem=rose !
A well deserved half century n that also in great style :-)
ClAp cLaP
I clapped for the poem, not merely for the good innings
Smile :-)
Boy, Indrajit, this is really refined romantic stuff. Loved this short poem, really!
Standing Ovation to you!!!!
congrats on u'r 50th post!
its beautiful.. n loved the lines-
in warmth of silvery dews
honeyed with the reddish sun
gr8 post!
congrats on u'r 50th post!
its beautiful.. n loved the lines-
in warmth of silvery dews
honeyed with the reddish sun
gr8 post!
wow....beautiful...somehow, everything i try 2 comment on this post, my net conks...so i wanna keep my comments short...
congrtas on ur 50th post..hope thr are many more ahead
hmmm....wowwww... i can smell the rose... i can see the colours...i can feel the romance just because of the way u have crafted the poem. atlest this place exist in a world where people like me, u and other poets often go. i knw in times of showers and snow...the fragrance gt lost n colors of it fades but it's existence is thr 4 eternity.
lovely poem. n congo for ur 50th post. dont stop...u hv 2 go a long long way... not only u hv 2 go..u hv to decorate the path with fragrance n colors of ur beautiful immortal poems.
tk cr,
:) :) :)
It's nice to take simple things and make them meaningful, like you have...
Congrats on the half century!
lovely words full of love in it...beautifully written for this time of the year...have a nice time!
& congrats on your 50th post too...keep going!
Thank u all. U have always made me feel special, by ur comments and ur encouragements..
May u all get happiness.:)
congrats for your 50th post :)
waiting for many many many more to come .
salutations wordsworth of new age ... :)
I love the layers that you create in this ... it reflects the intelligence of ur mind ... I adore this piece .. keep penning them